Thursday, November 1, 2012

Module 11 Video Review

Matisse & Picasso 

I chose this video because I know of, & like Picasso's work, but I don't know very much about Matisse, & was hoping to learn more from the video.

Key Concepts

  • Father figure.
  • Believed painting & drawing were the same thing, drawing just had less materials.
  • Was unaware of talent for 1st 20 yrs. of his life; when discovered, caused scandal with his family.
  • Organized.
  • Traveled frequently.
  • 1930: went to NYC, won Carnegie Prize.
  • Had his female models present.
  • Wanted strong women to take care of him, work with him, assist him.
  • Would work during the day & rub out paintings at night.
  • Fascination with opposites between him & Picasso.
  • Attracted to things that seemed foreign to him.
  • Died Nov. 3rd, 1954

  • "Eternal Adolescent."
  • Artistic talent encouraged by family.
  • Impulsive.
  • 1912: invented 1st collage.
  •  Incorporated unique materials into paintings.
  • Cubism.
  • Classical Style.
  • Rarely traveled, didn't drive, rarely left studio.
  • Inspirations in everyday things.
  • Would use a model once, then paint them many times after.
  • Started with an idea that would turn into something else.
  • Painted over works.
  • Borrowed lines from Matisse.
  • Was a Communist.
  • Did not attend Matisse's funeral.

The video's relate to the text due to Picasso's use of the cubism style, & the Classical style.
I found this video to have added depth & understanding to the readings because it really gave depth to a relationship between 2 of the master painters of their time, of which I was totally unaware.  It told of the progression of styles of Matisse & Picasso, & how they used each other's art as a study of what to make that was exactly the opposite.  They were rivals, friends, exchanged odd gifts, & had a mutual respect for each other.  This was a very cool, interesting, informative video.

A Sunday on Le Grand Jatte, 1884 (Seurat)

I chose this video because this is a very famous painting, & I was curious to learn more about Seurat's technique.

Key Concepts 

  • Pointillism.
  • 70 square feet, 2 meters by 3 meters.
  • Took 2 yrs. to complete.
  • At 1 stage, entire thing was repainted.
  • The closer one looks, that more mysterious it becomes.
  • Things, space, proportions of people, don't make sense.
  • Has inspired endless caricatures.
  • Contains 48 people, 8 boats, 3 dogs, & 1 monkey.
  • Open-ended, multiple interpretations of mysterious content.
  • Seurat: 24 when started painting, loner, secretive,Classical training, focus on drawing, extraordinary technique unique to him at this time.
  • Went to La Grande Jette everyday for 6 months, painted several pictures, multiple different "characters" before final piece.
  • Jette ~ (French) A shallow bowl or basin.  Island was a place for environments/classes to mix, to relax or hang out. Area well known, for prostitution.
  • Light = always active, dynamic element in what & how we see things.
  • Incomplete blending of colors creates texture, animated grain.
  • Possibly part of a pair - Bathers painting by Seurat done in same area as La Grande Jette, shows same ferry boat, same size. Contrast of classes: Bathers = lower class. La Grande Jette = middle/upper class.
The video relates to the readings in the text because it talked about the Classical period & influence it had of Seurat & his training, as well as the technique of pointillism.
This video adds depth & understanding to the readings because it really shows how huge this picture actually is in the art world.  It was bought for $20,000, & then $400,000 was offered to get  it back.  The 1st & last time it was ever lent out, to the Museum of Modern Art it was valued as being worth over a million dollars, & there was a fire at the Museum it was lent to. (Hence it being the LAST time it was ever lent out!) I found it extraordinary there is so much hub-bub over this painting that there is actually a topiary replica in Ohio.

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