Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Creating My Logo

Questions 1 & 2:
I liked this project.  At first I was at a complete loss as to what to use, & how to design it. But the more I thought about it, I developed a picture in my mind of how I wanted it to be.  I am by nature a peaceful person, so I used a peace sign, & did it in my favorite color, purple.  I incorporated the letter 'M' in to the center of the peace sign to represent my name, & did that in a darker shade of purple so it would stand out.  Then in each separate section of it I drew things that represent different parts of me.  The stained glass section represents the various, diverse categories of my life, such as; being a mom, a daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin, niece, friend, student, & so on.  I tried to represent my eclectic personality through the multicolored, uniquely different parts of the stained glass.  Moving clock-wise around the peace sign, there's a picture of grass, sunflowers (my favorite), a blue sky, & birds. This represents my love of nature & the outdoors.  The next section has music notes, which represents my love of music. & the last section is my sad, heart-shaped crying cloud.  I'm still getting over the recent loss of a loved one, & the recent end of my engagement.  The stars represent the many nights I've spent awake contemplating life, & trying to heal.  I used colored pencils for the whole design, except for the stars.  They were a last minute addition, & yellow colored pencil wouldn't come through over the dark blue pencil, so I added them in with yellow paint at the end.
Question #3:
The most important information I learned from this project is that getting started is the hardest part.  I had a general idea of what I wanted to incorporate in to the design, but no idea how to get started.  But I found that once I sat down & started getting my ideas down on paper, it just flowed after that.
Question #4:
The PowerPoint gave me insight into my drawings & their deeper meaning.  I already had my ideas in my head, but reading about the representation of them, & seeing how accurate some of it really was, was interesting.  The video on graphic design showed me that it is important to have a logo that can work on all formats, like plastic, ceramic mugs, etc.  It also showed me the importance of using a strong design to capture the essence of what the logo is representing.  I also found it interesting that most of the large design companies for logos still start off the process of designing something with just a pen & paper.  

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